PVE Community Scaling Update

David [Hi-Fi] Moore
David [Hi-Fi] Moore Posts: 2,872 Site Admin
Hi everyone,

Here's an update from Demiurge on Community Scaling:

The response has been overwhelmingly positive, so we're going to disable the difficulty adjustment system and continue to collect data on this change. This change will go into effect after The Hunt Story event concludes.

We want to run one additional test, rewarding a new character in a Story event, to make sure no unforeseen issues arise. If that goes well, we'll leave the system disabled permanently.

Thanks for all the feedback on our difficulty adjustment test!

Most Story events use a system where the difficulty of missions is adjusted based on how the community is faring against them. If they’re harder than expected, they’ll get easier over the course of the event, and if they’re easier than expected, they’ll get harder.

As we announced in our June Q&A video, we’re experimenting with turning off that system. We’ll run that test with the Prodigal Sun event starting June 11th and the Oscorp: Heroic event starting June 22nd.

We’re running the test in two events in order to understand how the change affects both long and short events, and both events with a restricted roster and events without one. Neither of these events will award a new character.

The other major piece of the difficulty adjustment system, where mission difficulty is adjusted so that events are playable whether you’re a highly experienced player or a newer one, is unchanged during this test. We’re considering changes to that system separately.

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