New daily event. Or maybe a pve season.

Been lurking for a while letting my thoughts congeal. (So yeah, this idea could end up being like that thing found in the back of the fridge after two years). I've been feeling the iso8 shortage pretty badly even before champions hit us. I've also had a lot of time just waiting around for event timers or health packs to recharge.

I'm suggesting something similar to the danger room suggestions, but not really a sandbox.

Daily pve event with 5 pins like the simulator in pvp. One pin for every star ranking. Each one an increasingly difficult endless wave battle with the waves starting out negligible for the star ranking and getting slightly more difficult with each wave. Not a fast increase since the idea is basically to kill time (and grind a bit of loot).

No rankings, no placement rewards. Each wave earns a bit of iso. Thinking of the dreaded 20 iso for the star.png pin, doubling for each star.png in the other pins. So the star.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.pngstar.png would be 320 per wave. Every 10 waves is a slightly better reward shared with your alliance (tokens, hp, cp, bigger iso8 amounts, health packs). You only earn the wave award once per wave, so you have to last longer to earn things when going back and playing again.

Play until you die or retreat (never retreated myself, do don't know if you get rewards from waves you've beaten after retreating from a wave battle). An event that you really are supposed to lose at eventually. icon_eek.gif

Hmm, maybe run this congruent with the pvp seasons. Resetting it each season.

Some good (from my pov, anyway) aspects:

Another truly pve event like the dpd
Long running time let's casual players get involved as they have time.
Lets older players help newer alliance members progress.
Ads another iso8 source to the game.

If you have a good run the first day, your going to not get the rewards again for an entire season.
Endless waves is potentially a programming issue. (So maybe make each pin 100 waves and ramp the difficulty increase so finishing all of them is next to impossible)
Not sure if they can lock pins to specific star ranked characters.

From the devs pov, I think this would do the following:

Slightly increase hp purchasing ad people add slots so they have a viable team for each pin.
Address the iso8 shortage in a minor way.
Maybe get casual players to want to spend some money on the game.
Help retain new players who would quit normally from lack of progression via the alliance rewards.
Making a season long event gives more time to set up the next one.

Feedback please?