Exert 2: Each creature you control gains Vigilance until the beginning of your next turn.
Exert 2: The first creature with Defender, Reach or Vigilance your opponent controls cannot block until the end of your turn.
When this creature enters the battlefield, target creature is Destroyed.
Embalm 1.
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When this creature enters the battlefield, if your opponent has 5 or less cards in hand, target creature your opponent controls is Returned to their hand.
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When a creature token you control enters the battlefield, it is Reinforced.
When a creature token you control enters the battlefield, you gain 2 life.
Embalm 2.
You gain 7 life and your opponent takes 7 damage, then you gain X life and your opponent takes X damage, where X is the number of copies of this card in your graveyard multiplied by 7.
When you cycle another card, the first creature your opponent controls gains -2/-2.
Cycling 4.
At the beginning of your turn, you gain X mana, where X is the number of supports you control.
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Embalm 3.
When your opponent draws a card, the next card in their library is exiled.
While this creature is on the battlefield, each creature token you control gains Flying and Vigilance.
Embalm 1
When this creature enters the battlefield, the first other creature you control gets -1/-1.
Exert 2: You discard 1 card and you draw 1 card.
When another Zombie enters the battlefield, the first non-disabled creature your opponent controls is disabled until the end of your turn.
Exert 2: This creature gains +1/0 and Deathtouch until the end of your turn
When this creature enters the battlefield, you discard 1 card.
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When a creature you control dies, this creature gains 3 mana.
Activate 3: The first other creature you control is Destroyed, then you draw 1 card, your opponent takes 5 damage and you gain 5 life.
When a creature you control dies, this creature loses Can’t Attack and Can’t Block until the beginning of your next turn.
When this support enters the battlefield, each black creature in your hand gains 3 mana.
When you draw a black creature, that creature gains 3 mana.
When you cast a creature, you gain 2 life and your opponent takes 2 damage.
Activate 1 1-turn: You gain 5 mana.
Target creature gets +3/+1 and Trample until the end of your turn.
3 supports your opponent controls are Destroyed.
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The first spell in your opponent’s hand is drained of all its mana.
At the beginning of your turn, 2 gems are converted to red or black gems.
Cycling 4.
When this support enters the board, target creature gets -1/-1.
While this support is on the board, the first creature you control gets +2/+2 and Lifelink.
When this support enters the board, you draw 1 card.
While this support is on the board, the first creature you control gets +2/+2 and Flying.
When this support enters the board, you summon 1 1/1 Warrior token with Vigilance.
While this support is on the board, the first creature you control gets +2/+2 and First Strike.
When this support enters the board, target creature you control gets +1/+1.
While this support is on the board, the first creature you control gets +2/+2 and Trample.
When this support enters the board, target creature cannot block until the end of your turn.
While this support is on the board, the first creature you control gets +2/+2 and Haste.
Activate 1 3-turn: Each card in your hand gains 3 mana.
When you cast this support, target creature is disabled until this support is Destroyed.
Cycling 2.
The first card in your opponent’s hand is drained of all it’s mana.
Cycling 1.
Exert 3: The first creature in your hand is moved to the battlefield.
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At the beginning of your turn, this creature gets -1/-1 and you convert 3 gems to green gems.
Exert 3: Each creature you control loses Disabled and gains Double Strike until the end of your turn.
The first 2 cards in your opponent’s library are exiled.
Cycling 1.
Target creature gets +5/+5 and ‘At the beginning of your turn, this creature gets -1/-1’.
Activate 1: You summon 1 2/2 Zombie token and this support is Destroyed.
At the beginning of your turn, you gain 2 mana.
When this creature enters the battlefield, the first other creature you control gets -1/-1.
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At the beginning of your opponent’s turn, the first creature your opponent controls gets -3/-3. If your opponent controls no creatures, your opponent takes 5 damage instead.
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When you cast a spell, this creature gains 1 mana.
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When you cycle another card, you draw 1 card.
Cycling 2.
When this creature enters the battlefield, the first other creature you control gets -1/-1.
When this creature attacks, the first creature your opponent controls with Defender, Reach or Vigilance gets -1/-1.
Target creature takes 12 damage.
Cycling 4.
When you cycle this card, target creature takes 3 damage.
When this creature enters the battlefield, each other creature you control gets -1/-1.
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Cycling 1.
Exert 4: The last creature you controlled that cost 6 or less that was Destroyed is Returned to the battlefield.
The first 2 supports in your opponent’s library are exiled.
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A support your opponent controls is Destroyed.
Cycling 1.
Target creature gains Prevent Damage until the end of your turn.
Cycling 1.
When this creature dies, you summon 1 2/2 Zombie token.
When you cycle a card, summon 2 2/2 Drake token with Flying
Activate 2: This creature is Returned to the battlefield. This ability only activates after this creature has been destroyed.
When this creature enters the battlefield, it is Disabled until the beginning of your next turn.
Target creature takes 4 damage.
Exert 2: This creature gains +1/+1 and Menace until the end of your turn.
When this creature enters the battlefield, it gains +X/+X, where X is the number of spells in your graveyard.
The first creature in your opponent’s hand is drained of all its mana.
When this creature enters the battlefield, the first other creature you control gets -3/-3.
When this creature attacks, you gain 3 life.
When you cycle a card, your opponent takes 5 damage and you gain 5 life.
When this creature dies, the first creature your opponent controls gets -1/-1.
At the beginning of your turn, 2 gems are converted to blue or black gems.
Cycling 4.
Target creature is Destroyed.
When you cycle a card, this creature gets +1/0.
Each creature on the battlefield has its Power reduced to 0 until the beginning of your next turn.
Cycling 1.
A support your opponent controls on the board is Destroyed.
Cycling 1.
If your opponent controls 5 or less cards in hand, target creature your opponent controls is Returned to their hand and you draw 1 card.
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While this support is on the board, if your planeswalker or any of your creatures would take damage, this support loses 1 shield instead.
Activate 2: You gain 2 mana.
When this support enters the board, you gain 3 life.
Each creature you control gains Trample, Berserker, First Strike, Prevent Damage and is Reinforced. At the end of your turn, each creature you control is Destroyed.
Exert +3: This creature gets +3/+2 and gains Lifelink
Exert 2: The first non-Dragon creature your opponent controls takes 8 damage.
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When your opponent casts a spell on this creature, that spell is destroyed instead and its effects do not trigger, then this creature is Disabled until the end of your next turn.
Embalm 1
When this creature enters the battlefield, the last creature you controlled that was Destroyed is returned to your hand.
Cycling 1.
When this creature enters the battlefield, this creature gains -X/-X, where X is the number of cards in your hand.
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Exert 2: This creature gains +1/+1 and Flying until the end of your turn.
When this creature deals combat damage to a Planeswalker, the first creature your opponent controls gets -1/-1 and you summon 1 1/1 Snake token with Deathtouch.
When your opponent casts a card, your opponent takes 3 damage.
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X gems are converted to green, where X is the number of creatures you control multiplied by 4.
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Each creature and Planeswalker gains Prevent Damage until the beginning of your next turn.
Cycling 3.
Activate 2: You discard 1 card, then your opponent takes 6 damage.
This creature can’t attack and can’t block unless you have 1 or less cards in your hand.
When a non-token creature you control enters the battlefield, that creature gains +2/0 and Haste.
When this support enters the battlefield, each red creature in your hand gains 3 mana.
When you draw a red creature, that creature gains 3 mana.
When you cast a creature, you discard 1 card and you draw 1 card.
When this creature enters the battlefield, your opponent takes X damage, where X is equal to the first other creature you control’s Power multiplied by 2, then that creature is destroyed.
Embalm 1.
When you cycle a card, this creature gets +1/+1 until the end of your turn.
You draw 2 cards.
Cycling 1.
Target creature gets +2/+2.
When this creature attacks, each of your other creatures gets +2/0 until the end of your turn.
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Embalm 1
Exert 3: This creature gets +2/+2 until the end of your turn.
When you cycle a card, this creature gets +2/+1 until the end of your turn.
Cycling 1.
Each creature you control gets +1/+1. Each Zombie you control gets an additional +1/0
At the beginning of your turn, 2 gems are converted to white or blue gems.
Cycling 4.
Activate 2: You draw 2 cards.
This creature can’t attack and can’t block unless you have at least 5 cards in your hand.
When this support enters the battlefield, each blue creature in your hand gains 3 mana.
When you draw a blue creature, that creature gains 3 mana.
When you cast a creature, the first non-disabled creature your opponent controls is disabled until the beginning of your next turn.
While this creature is on the battlefield, each creature you control gains Trample.
When this creature becomes the target of a spell, this creature is Destroyed.
Embalm 2.
Your opponent discards 1 card at random.
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Your opponent discards 1 card at random.
Target creature your opponent controls is controlled by you.
Cycling 3.
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Target creature your opponent controls is controlled by you.
While this support is on the board, each Zombie you control gets +2/+2.
When this support enters the board, summon 3 2/2 Zombie tokens.
*Not Yet Available in Boosters.
While this support is on the board, each Zombie you control gets +2/+2.
When this support enters the board, summon 3 2/2 Zombie tokens.
Target creature your opponent controls is controlled by you and gains Haste until the end of your turn.
Cycling 3.
Activate 2: Each Zombie you control gains Menace until the end of your turn.
While this creature is on the battlefield, each Zombie you control gains +1/+1.
When this creature enters the battlefield, a support your opponent controls is Destroyed.
At the beginning of your turn, a support your opponent controls loses 1 shield.
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When this creature enters the battlefield, the first other creature you control gets -1/-1 and your opponent takes 3 damage.
Activate 3: The first creature your opponent controls with Defender, Reach or Vigilance gets -1/-1 and that creature cannot block until the end of your turn.
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When this creature enters the battlefield, both Planeswalkers discard 1 card.
Activate 1: This creature gets +1/0 until the beginning of your next turn.
At the beginning of your turn, 1 gem is converted to your Planeswalker’s color.
Exert 2: This creature gets +1/+2 until the end of your turn.
While this creature is on the battlefield, each Minotaur you control gains First Strike.
While this creature is on the battlefield, if you have 1 or less cards in hand, each Minotaur you control gains +6/0.
When this creature deals combat damage to your opponent, you and your opponent discard 1 card.
While this support is on the board, when you draw a card with Cycling, that card gains 3 mana.
When this support enters the board, each card in your hand with Cycling gains 3 mana then you draw 3 cards.
When you cast a spell, this creature gets +1/+1 until the end of your turn.
Activate 2: You summon 1 1/1 Warrior token with Vigilance.
This creature can’t attack and can’t block unless you control 3 creatures.
When you cycle this card, it is placed in your graveyard instead of being exiled.
Embalm 1.
Cycling 2.
When this support enters the battlefield, each white creature in your hand gains 3 mana.
When you draw a white creature, that creature gains 3 mana.
When you cast a creature, you summon 1 1/1 Warrior token with Vigilance.
Each creature you control gains Unblockable and ‘When this creature deals damage, you draw 1 card’ until the end of your turn.
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Activate 2: Draw 1 card. That card gains X mana, where X is equal to the number of shields on this support.
Target Planeswalker draws 2 cards and takes 4 damage.
At the beginning of your turn, 1 gem is converted to a gem of your Planeswalker’s color.
When you cycle a card, this creature gains Prevent Damage and Berserker until the end of your turn.
When this creature enters the battlefield, each other creature you control gets -1/-1.
When a zombie you control dies, your opponent takes 3 damage.
You discard 1 card and then draw 5 cards.
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Each creature you control gets +2/0 until the end of your turn.
Cycling 2.
At the beginning of your turn, you gain X mana, where X is the number of shields on this support.
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Each Cat creature you control gets +3/+3 and Lifelink.
When this creature enters the battlefield, summon 1 1/1 Cat token with Lifelink.
You gain 10 life.
Cycling 1.
When you cycle this card, you gain 5 life.
Exert 3: This creature gets +1/0, First Strike and Berserker until the end of your turn.
Activate 2: The first other creature you control gets +4/0 until the end of your turn.
This creature can’t attack and can’t block unless you control another creature with a power of 8 or more.
When this support enters the battlefield, each green creature in your hand gains 3 mana.
When you draw a green creature, that creature gains 3 mana.
When you cast a creature, the first creature you control gets +2/+2 and Trample until the end of your turn.
When you cycle a card, the first creature your opponent controls gets -1/-1.
Embalm 4.
Activate 2: The first other creature you control gains Double Strike until the end of your turn.
While this creature is on the battlefield, each creature you control gains Haste.
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While this support is on the board, creatures with Flying your opponent controls can’t attack.
At the end of your turn, summon 1 5/5 Wurm token.
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At the beginning of your turn, 2 gems are converted to white or green gems.
Cycling 4.
When this creature dies, the last spell you cast or that was Destroyed is returned to your hand.
When this creature would take damage, your planeswalker takes 6 damage instead.
This creature cannot block.
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Each card you controlled that was exiled is Returned to your hand.
When you cycle a card, this creature gets +1/+1.
Target creature gets +2/+2 until the end of your turn.
Cycling 6.
When you cycle this card, you convert 9 gems to green gems.
At the beginning of your turn, 2 gems are converted to red or green gems.
Cycling 4.
Cycling 2.
Target creature you control gains ‘When this creature deals combat damage, it’s owner draws 1 card’.
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When you cast a spell, this creature gets +2/+2 until the end of your turn and the first creature your opponent controls gets -1/-1.
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When this creature enters the battlefield, each other creature you control gets -3/-3.
Target creature gets +3/+3 and Reach until the beginning of your next turn.
Target creature with Flying gets -3/-3.
Cycling 2.
You summon 3 2/2 Zombie tokens.
Cycling 2.
When you cycle this card, you summon 1 2/2 Zombie token.
When this support enters the battlefield, your opponent takes 3 damage.
At the beginning of your turn, you gain 2 mana.
Target creature gets +2/0 and ‘When this creature dies, it is returned to the battlefield’ until the end of your turn.
Each creature takes 6 damage.
Cycling 3.
Exert 3: Each creature you control gets +1/+1 until the end of your turn.
Embalm 3.
At the beginning of combat on your turn, each creature token you control gets +4/+4 until the end of your turn.
Embalm 1.
While you have 1 or less cards in hand, this creature gets +1/+2.
When a creature you control attacks, your opponent takes X damage, where X is the number of creatures you control multiplied by 2.
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When you cast this support, target creature your opponent controls is Destroyed.
When a Cartouche support enters the board, this support is Returned to your hand.
This support does not reinforce.
When this support enters the board, you draw 3 cards.
When a Cartouche support enters the board, this support is Returned to your hand.
This support does not reinforce.
When this support enters the board, each creature you control gets +3/+2.
When a Cartouche support enters the board, this support is Returned to your hand.
This support does not reinforce.
When this support enters the board, you summon 1 6/4 Beast of Strength token.
When a Cartouche support enters the board, this support is Returned to your hand.
This support does not reinforce.
When this support enters the board, target creature or planeswalker takes 8 damage.
When a Cartouche support enters the board, this support is Returned to your hand.
This support does not reinforce.
Embalm 2.
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Exert 1: Each creature you control gains +2/0 until the end of your turn.
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Target Planeswalker discards 2 cards.
Cycling 2.
Embalm 1.
A support your opponent controls is Destroyed.
Cycling 2.
When this creature enters the battlefield, it gains +X/+Y, where X is the first other creature you control’s power and Y is the first other creature you control’s toughness.
Embalm 1.
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When this creature enters the battlefield, each creature you control gains +1/+1.
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At the beginning of your turn, if the top card of your library is a creature, you draw 1 extra card.
When you match 3 or more gems, each creature in your hand gains 3 mana.
When this creature enters the battlefield, each creature you control loses disabled.
Cycling 3.
When you cycle this card, each creature you control loses disabled.
The last 2 creatures you controlled that were Destroyed are Returned to your hand.
Cycling 2.
When this creature enters the battlefield, target creature your opponent controls takes X damage, where X is the number of spells in your graveyard.
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Exert 1: You draw 1 card.
When a Zombie you control enters the battlefield, you gain 2 life and your opponent takes 2 damage.
Activate 2: You gain 4 mana.
If your opponent has 5 or less cards in hand, target creature your opponent controls is Returned to their hand, then the top 2 cards in each player’s library are Destroyed.
Cycling 1.
When you cycle a card, each creature you control gains Flying until the end of your turn.