Disable target creature until the beginning of you next turn.
Summon 1 1/1 colorless Eldrazi Scion with ‘When this creature dies, you gain 3 mana’.
Landfall Red: if this creature has been Destroyed this game, return it to the battlefield.
Landfall Red: Deal 8 damage to the first creature your opponent controls.
Landfall: Deal 4 damage to the first creature your opponent controls.
When any player performs a Landfall, summon 1 3/1 red Elemental with Trample and Haste. The token is Destroyed at the end of your turn.
Each creature with Power of 5 or more are Disabled.
At the beginning of your turn, gain 1 mana.
Activate 1: Each Ally creature in your hand gains 1 mana.
Destroy target creature you control and Draw 2 cards.
When this creature enters the battlefield, gain life equal to the amount of creatures you control on the battlefield times 2.
When this creature attacks, it gains +2/+2 per other Ally creatures you control.
Give Flying to target creature and Draw 1 card.
Pick one card from the first 3 your library and Fetch it. The next 2 cards in your Library are moved to the bottom of your Library.
When this creature attacks, Ingest 5.
Activate 1: Destroy the first colorless creature you control and deal damage equal to it’s Power times 3 to the first creature your opponent controls.
Activate 3 Green: The first creature in hand gains 3 mana.
Landfall: This creature gains First Strike until the end of your turn.
When this creature deals damage to a Planeswalker, Ingest 1.
When this creature enters the battlefield, Process 2 and summon 3 1/1 colorless Eldrazi Scions with ‘When this creature dies, gain 3 mana’.
At the beginning of your turn, gain 1 mana.
When this Support is Destroyed, Draw 2 cards.
At the beginning of your turn, gain 1 mana.
When this Support is Destroyed, Destroy the first creature your opponent controls.
At the beginning of your turn, gain 1 mana.
When this Support is Destroyed, deal 2 damage to the first creature your opponent controls.
At the beginning of your turn, gain 1 mana.
When this Support is Destroyed, gain life equal to the amount of creatures on the battlefield you control times 2.
At the beginning of your turn, gain 1 mana.
When this support is Destroyed, gain 6 mana.
When this creature dies, summon 1 1/1 colorless Eldrazi Scion with ‘When this creature is Destroyed, gain 3 mana’.
When you gain life, this creature gains +1/+1.
Deal 1 damage to each creature your opponent controls.
Awaken 16: Summon 4 1/1 Mountain Elemental tokens with Haste.
Destroy target creature you control and Destroy target creature your opponent controls.
Converge: Draw 1 card for each Converged mana.
Fetch the first card in your Library. It is free.
When this creature enters the battlefield, summon 1 1/1 Eldrazi Scion with ‘When this creature is Destroyed, gain 3 mana’.
Whenever a creature you control is Destroyed, the first creature your opponent controls gets -2/-2 until the end of your turn.
When this creature enters the battlefield, summon 1 1/1 Eldrazi Scions with ‘When this creature is Destroyed, gain 3 mana’.
If your opponent controls 5 or less cards in hand, return target creature your opponent controls to his hand and deal 5 damage to your opponent.
Summon 2 1/1 Eldrazi Scions with ‘When this creature is Destroyed, gain 3 mana.’
At the beginning of your turn, convert 1 gem to White and 1 gem to Green.
When this creature is Destroyed, summon 1 1/1 Eldrazi Scion with ‘When this creature is Destroyed, gain 3 mana’.
When this creature enters the battlefield, summon 1 1/1 Eldrazi Scions with ‘When this creature is Destroyed, gain 3 mana’.
When a creature you controls is Destroyed, Draw 1 card.
Rally: Give Haste to each creature you control until the end of your turn.
At the beginning of your turn, convert 1 gem to Red and 1 gem to Green.
Activate 1: Give +1/+1 to each creature you control until the end of your turn.
If your opponent controls 5 or less cards in hand, Return target creature your opponent controls to his hand.
Awaken 12: Summon 3 1/1 Island Elemental tokens with Haste.
Draw 2 cards.
Awaken 12: Summon 4 1/1 Island Elemental tokens with Haste.
Destroy target creature with Power of 3 or less and Ingest 1.
When this creature enters the battlefield, the first colorless creature in your Library is moved to the top of your Library.
At the beginning of your turn, the first creature in your hand gains 2 mana.
Activate 1: The last creature you control is unblockable until the end of your turn.
When this creature enters the battlefield, you gain 2 life.
Ingest all Blue and White gems.
Activate 3: Process 1: Disable the first creature your opponent controls until the beginning of your next turn.
When this creature deals damage to a Planeswalker, Ingest 1.
When this Support is in play, each creature your opponent controls gains -1/0.
When this creature is Destroyed, if you control 2 other creatures, Destroy all creatures you control and Return this creature to the battlefield.
When you gain life, deal 5 damage to your opponent.
Give -5/-5 to target creature until the end of your turn.
When this creature enters the battlefield, summon 1 10/10 Eldrazi.
Drain the first spell your opponent controls of all mana.
When this creature deals damage to a Planeswalker, Ingest 1.
When this creature enters the battlefield, if you control a colorless creature, deal 2 damage to your opponent.
At the beginning of your turn, if there are 8 or more Red gems on the board, summon 1 5/5 Dragon with Flying.
When this creature deals damage to a Planeswalker, give +1/+1 to each creature you control.
At the beginning of your turn, you gain 1 life and deal 1 damage to your opponent.
When this creature enters the battlefield, summon 4 1/1 Eldrazi Scions with ‘When this creature is Destroyed, you gain 3 mana’.
Whenever a colorless creature enters the battlefield under your control, Disable all of your opponent’s creatures until the beginning of your turn.
At the end of your turn, if you do not have colorless creatures on the battlefield, Return this creature to your hand.
Return the last 2 creatures that were Destroyed to your hand.
Give +2/+2 to target creature.
Awaken 16: Summon 4 1/1 Forest Elemental tokens with Haste.
When this creature enters the battlefield, summon 1 1/1 Eldrazi Scion with ‘When this creature is Destroyed, you gain 3 mana’.
Landfall White: Return the last non-Spell that was Destroyed to the battlefield.
Landfall: Return the last non-Spell that was Destroyed to your hand.
Disable each creature your opponent controls until the beginning of your next turn.
Awaken 6: Summon 2 1/1 Plains Elemental tokens with Haste.
Awaken 15: Give +10/+10 to this creature.
Gain control of target creature if you control 2 or less creatures.
When this creature enters the battlefield, summon 2 1/1 Eldrazi Scions with ‘When this creature is Destroyed, you gain 3 mana’.
When this creature deals damage to a Planeswalker, Ingest 2.
Activate 5: Draw 1 card, Ingest 1 on both you and your opponent.
Activate 1: Destroy a Support your opponent controls and Destroy this creature.
When this Support enters the battlefield, convert 3 gems to Green.
At the beginning of your turn, convert 1 gem to Green.
Rally: Give Unblockable to each creature you control until the end of your turn.
When a colorless creature enters the battlefield, it gains Haste.
At the beginning of your turn, summon 1 1/1 Eldrazi Scion with ‘When this creature is Destroyed, you gain 3 mana’.
When this Support is Destroyed, Return the last Eldrazi creature that was Destroyed to your hand.
Landfall: This creature gains +2/+2 until the end of your turn.
When a creature your opponent controls attacks, deal 6 damage to it and Destroy this Support.
When a creature your opponent controls blocks, deal 6 damage to it and Destroy this Support.
Give +1/+1 and Haste to target creature.
Ingest 1, summon 1 1/1 Eldrazi Scion with ‘When this creature is Destroyed, you gain 3 mana’ and Draw 1 card.
When another non-Token creature you control is Destroyed, it is Returned to the battlefield.
Destroy target creature and Ingest 2.
Landfall: This creature gains +2/+2 until the end of your turn.
Rally: You lose 1 mana and summon 1 1/1 Plant token.
Each colorless creature you control deals it’s Power in damage to the first creature your opponent controls instead of attacking until the end of your turn.
Landfall Blue: Disable each creature your opponent controls until the beginning of your turn.
Landfall: Disable each creature your opponent controls until the end of your turn.
Landfall Black: Give +6/0 to each of your creatures until the end of your turn.
Landfall: Give +3/0 to each of your creatures until the end of your turn.
Activate 1: Give -1/-1 to the first creature your opponent controls until the end of your turn.
When this creature enters the battlefield, the last Spell with Awaken you cast is Returned to your hand.
While this creature is on the battlefield, each Land Elemental you control gains Flying.
At the beginning of your turn, gain 2 mana.
When this Support is destroyed, Draw 2 cards.
At the beginning of your turn, if your opponent controls a colorless creature, your first creature gains +1/+1, Deathtouch and Berserker until the end of your turn.
While this creature is on the battlefield, each colorless card you control costs 1 less.
Rally: Give Prevent Damage and Berserker to each creature you control until the end of your turn.
Drain all the mana from the first creature in your opponent’s hand and Ingest 1.
When this creature enters the battlefield, Summon 1 1/1 Eldrazi Scion with ‘When this creature is Destroyed, you gain 3 mana’ and Draw 1 card.
Converge: Give target creature +X/+X and Trample until the end of your turn, where X is your Converged mana times 2.
Give +2/+1 to each creature you control until the end of your turn
Rally: Gain 1 life and deal 1 damage to your opponent.
When you gain life, this creature gains Flying until the end of your turn.
Rally: Give First Strike to each creature you control until the end of your turn.
Rally: Disable the first creature your opponent controls until the beginning of your next turn.
Activate 1: Gain 2 mana.
When you cast a colorless Spell, Creature or Support, this creature gains +1/0 until the end of your turn.
Rally: Give Lifelink to each of your creatures until the end of your turn.
Activate 2: Give +2/0 to this creature until the end of your turn.
Activate 3: You gain 3 mana.
Give +2/+2 and Prevent Damage to target creature until the end of your turn.
When this Support enters the battlefield, give +1/+1 and First Strike to target creature until the end of your turn.
At the beginning of your turn, gain 3 mana.
At the beginning of your turn, convert 1 gem to Green and 1 gem to Blue.
Activate 1: Give +3/+3 and Hexproof to the first creature you control until the beginning of your next turn.
Rally: Give Vigilance to each creature you control until the beginning of your next turn.
Landfall: Give +1/+1 to this creature until the end of your turn.
When you gain life, this creature gains +1/+1 until the end of your turn.
Return the last 3 Ally creatures that were destroyed to the battlefield.
When this creature enters the battlefield, Process 1: Destroy the last card in your opponent’s hand.
Destroy the last 2 cards in your opponent’s hand.
Awaken 12: Summon 3 1/1 Swamp Elemental tokens with Haste.
When this creature deals damage to a Planeswalker, Ingest 1.
When you cast a colorless Spell, Creature or Support, deal 2 damage to your opponent.
When this Support enters the battlefield, the last creature you controlled that was Destroyed is returned to the top of your Library.
At the beginning of your turn, convert 1 gem to Black.
Landfall: Lose 2 mana and give +2/+2 to this creature.
When this creature enters the battlefield, Process 1: If your opponent controls 5 or less cards in hand, Return target creature your opponent controls to their hand.
Convert 3 gems to Green.
Activate 1: Deal 1 damage to your opponent.
When you cast a colorless Spell, Creature or Support, deal 1 damage to your opponent.
When you gain life, this creature gains Deathtouch until the end of your turn.
Convert 20 gems to Green and gain 30 life.
When you cast a Spell, give +3/+3 to this creature.
When this creature enters the battlefield, Ingest 10 and Process 5 for yourself.
When any player performs a Landfall, summon 1 5/5 Elemental.
Whenever a creature with Elemental is Destroyed, deal 5 damage to your opponent.
Rally: Give Trample to each of your creatures until the end of your turn.
Landfall: This creature gains +2/+2 until the end of your turn.
Each of your creatures gains Lifelink until the end of your turn.
Awaken 12: Summon 4 1/1 Plains Elemental tokens with Haste.
Activate 2: Process 1: Discard your last card and Draw a card.
Landfall Green: This creature gains +2/+2.
Landfall: This creature gains +1/+1.
Activate 1: This creature gains +8/+8 and Trample until the end of your turn.
Deal damage equal to the amount of creatures you control on the battlefield times 2 to target creature.
Converge: Draw 1 card for each Converged mana and deal 3 damage for each Converged Mana.
Whenever you match 5 or more Gems, gain 10 mana and summon 6 1/1 Island Elemental tokens with Haste.
Activate 1: deal 1 damage to the first creature your opponent controls and it is Disabled until the beginning of your next turn.
When this creature enters the battlefield, Convert 3 gems to your Planeswalker’s color.
Destroy target creature with Flying.
At the beginning of your turn, convert 1 gem to White and 1 gem to Blue.
When any player Landfalls, the first creature your opponent controls is Disabled until the beginning of your next turn and you Draw 3 cards.
Process 1: Deal 5 damage to target creature.
When this Support enters the battlefield, each Creature and Support in both players’ hands is drained of its’ mana.
While this Support is on the battlefield, Creature and Support cards cost 12 more.
Converge: Deal damage to target creature equal to your Converged mana times 5.
Destroy 1 Support gem your opponent controls.
Rally: Each of your creatures gains Double Strike until the end of your turn.
Landfall: Disable the first creature your opponent controls until the beginning of your next turn and Draw 1 card.
Landfall: Summon 1 1/1 Kor Ally token and each creature you control gains +1/+1 until the end of your turn.
Landfall: The first creature you control gains Deathtouch and +1/0 until the end of your turn, you gain 1 life and deal 1 damage to your opponent.
Landfall: The first creature you control gains +1/+1 and you gain 2 life.
Landfall: The first creature you control gains +2/0 and the first creature your opponent controls can’t block until the end of your turn.
Give each creature -2/-2 until the end of your turn.
Awaken 9: Summon 3 1/1 Swamp Elemental tokens with Haste.
Target creature is returned on top of it’s owner’s Library.
Awaken 12: Summon 4 1/1 Plains Elemental tokens with Haste.
Deal 5 damage to target Disabled creature.
Each creature your opponent controls gets -3/0 until the beginning of your next turn. Draw 1 card.
Deal 2 damage to your opponent and each of his creatures.
Awaken 11: Deal 4 damage to your opponent and each his his creatures.
When a creature you control is Destroyed in the battlefield, this creature gains +1/+1.
When this creature enters the battlefield, Process 1: Gain 5 life.
When this creature deals damage to a Planeswalker, Ingest 1.
While this creature is on the battlefield, each colorless creature you control gains +1/0.
Destroy target creature.
Awaken 12: Summon 6 1/1 Swamp Elemental tokens with Haste.
Disable target creature until the beginning of your next turn.
Awaken 12: Summon 3 1/1 Island Elemental tokens with Haste.
When this creature deals damage to a Planeswalker, Ingest 1.
When this creature is Destroyed, Draw 1 card.
At the beginning of your turn, you gain 1 mana.
When a colorless creature you control enters the battlefield, Fetch the first colorless Creature and destroy this Support.
Give target creature +1/+1 and Vigilance until the beginning of your next turn.
At the beginning of your turn, gain 3 mana.
Drain all the mana from the first card in your opponent’s hand.
Awaken 12: Summon 6 1/1 Island Elemental tokens with Haste.
Destroy target creature and Ingest 3.
Landfall: This creature gains +1/+1 until the end of your turn.
Fetch one creature from the next 4 in your library, then move the other 3 creatures to the bottom of your Library.
When you gain life, lose 1 mana and the first creature you control gain +1/+1.
Deal 4 damage to target creature, then deal 5 damage to target creature, then deal 6 damage to target creature.
Ingest 5.
At the beginning of your turn, convert 1 gem to White and 1 gem to Black.
Activate 1: The first creature you control gains +2/+3 and Lifelink until the end of your turn.
Destroy target creature with Disabled.
Awaken 12: Summon 3 1/1 Plains Elemental tokens with Haste.
At the beginning of your turn, gain 1 mana.
Activate 1: The first colorless card in your hand gains 2 mana.
When this creature attacks, deal 2 damage to your opponent.
When your opponent performs a Landfall, Ingest 2 and Draw 1 cards.
When this creature is Destroyed, if you control a colorless creature, you lose 6 mana and this creature is Returned to the battlefield.
When this Support enters the battlefield, Disable target creature until the beginning of your next turn.
At the beginning of your turn, convert 1 gem to Blue.
Converge; When this creature enters the battlefield, it gains +X/+X, where X is your Converged mana.
Give Ingest 1 and ‘When this creature attacks, gain +2/+2 until the end of your turn’ to target creature.
When this creature deals damage to a Planeswalker, Ingest 1.
Activate 1 2-turn: This creature gains +1/+1 until the end of your turn.
Destroy target creature with Power of 4 or more.
At the beginning of your turn, convert 1 gem to Red and 1 gem to Black.
At the beginning of your turn, destroy each of your other creatures and each but the first of your opponent’s creatures.
Landfall: This creature gains +1/+1 until the end of your turn.
At the beginning of your turn, you gain 3 mana.
Activate 1 1-turn: Summon 3 1/1 Eldrazi Scions with ‘When this creature is Destroyed, you gain 3 mana’ and this support is Destroyed.
Activate 1 2-turn: Drain the first card your opponent controls of all mana and Ingest 1.
Activate 1: Gain 1 life.
Deal 5 damage to target creature or planeswalker.
At the beginning of your turn, convert 1 gem to Blue and 1 gem to Black.
Give +3/0 and First Strike to target creature until the end of your turn.
Give +2/+2 to target creature until the end of your turn and convert 3 gems to green.
Convert 5 gems from your opponent’s color to yours.
Rally: Give +1/+1 to each of your creatures until the end of your turn.
Converge: When this creature enters the battlefield, it gains +X/+X, where X is your Converged mana.
Rally: Give +2/+2 to each of your creatures until the end of your turn.
Give +1/+2 to the first 2 creatures you control until the end of your turn and you gain 2 life.
Landfall: This creature gains +2/+2 until the end of your turn.
Other creatures you control gain 0/+1.
Give -6/0 to target creature and it loses Flying.
Destroy target creature if you control a colorless creature with Power of 8 or more in hand.
Deal 3 damage to target creature and Ingest 1.
Discard the first card in your opponent’s hand.
Ingest 1.
Landfall: Deal 1 damage to your opponent.
Gain control of target creature until the end of your turn. It gains haste.
Fetch 3 cards. They gain 6 mana.
When this creature attacks, convert each gem of your opponent’s primary colors to Void gems.
When this creature enters the battlefield, Process 2: This creature gains +4/+4.
When this creature enters the battlefield, Process 2: The first card in your opponent’s hand is drained of all it’s mana.
When this creature enters the battlefield, Process 2: The last spell you cast is Returned to your hand.
When this creature takes damage or would be Destroyed by spells or effects, it loses -1/-1 instead of losing Toughness.
Landfall: This creature gains +1/+1.
You spawn X 1/1 Kor Ally tokens, where X is your Converged mana,
Activate 1: Deal 3 damage to the first creature your opponent controls.
Landfall: This creature gains +2/+2 until the end of your turn.
Activate 1: The last creature you control is Destroyed. You gain 5 life and Draw 3 cards.
Rally: Gain +2/+2.
When this creature attacks, if you control 1 Ally, this creature gains Trample until the beginning of your next turn.
When this creature attacks, if you control 2 Ally, this creature gains Trample and First Strike until the beginning of your next turn.
When this creature attacks, if you control 3 Ally, this creature gains Trample, First Strike and Vigilance until the beginning of your next turn.
This creature gains +3/0 per colorless creature you control.
When this creature deals damage to a Planeswalker, Ingest 1.
Activate 1: If there are 3 or more Void gems, summon 1 1/1 Eldrazi Scion with ‘When this creature is Destroyed, gain 3 mana’.
When your opponent makes a match, you gain 3 mana.
At the beginning of your turn, each creature your opponent controls with Defender, Reach or Vigilance loses that status and each creature your opponent controls without Defender, Reach or Vigilance gains Defender.
Destroy 6 gems.
Whenever one of your other creatures dies, this creature gains +1/+1.
When a creature you control enters the battlefield, Process 1: The first creature your opponent controls gains -3/-3.
Landfall: This creature gains +2/+2 until the end of your turn.
When this creature enters the battlefield, it gains +X/+X, where X is your Converged mana.
Whenever you cast a spell on this creature, all your creatures gain +6/+6 until the end of your turn.