*Not Yet Available in the Boosters
Summon 2 2/2 White Knight Ally tokens.
When this creature enters the battlefield, each other creature you control gains ‘When this creature is Destroyed, you gain life equal to this creature’s Power’.
Activate 2: Destroy the first creature you control and the first creature your opponent controls.
When this creature enters the battlefield, the last 2 creatures that were Destroyed are returned to your hand.
When this creature enters the battlefield, summon 2 1/1 Eldrazi Scions with ‘When this creature is Destroyed, gain 3 mana’.
Activate 2: This creature is returned to full life.
*Not Yet Available in the Boosters
While this Support is in play, the first creature you control gains +1/0 and summons 1 1/1 Kor Ally token whenever it attacks.
Target creature gains +2/+2.
When you gain life, deal 1 damage to your opponent.
When you cast a Spell, Support or Creature, this spell costs 1 less until the end of your turn.
Return each creature from the battlefield to their owner’s hand. If there are not enough space in their owner’s hand, the creature(s) are Destroyed.
Summon 2 8/8 Octopi tokens with Reach and Trample.
When this creature is Destroyed from the battlefield, summon 3 1/1 Island tokens with Haste.
Whenever a creature you control deals damage to your opponent, draw 1 card.
Activate 2: The first creature you control is Unblockable until the end of your turn.
Deal 5 damage to target creature or Planeswalker and give 5 mana to your opponent.
Activate 3: Summon 2 2/2 Zombie tokens.
While this creature is on the battlefield, all Land elementals you control gain Vigilance.
Landfall: The first creature you control on the battlefield gains +3/+3 until the end of your turn.
When a colorless creature you control enters the battlefield, deal 1 damage to your opponent.
When this creature enters the battlefield, Fetch the first Ally creature in your library. It is free.
Activate 5: Each creature you control gains +1/+1.
When this creature enters the battlefield, each creature you control on the battlefield gains +2/+2 and Berserker.
When this creature enters the battlefield, the last Spell you cast is Returned to your hand and gains 6 mana.
At the beginning of your turn, if there are 1 or more Void gems on the board, convert each Void gem to your Planeswalker’s color and take 5 damage.
At the end of your turn, Ingest 3.
Target creature gains +2/+2 and Vigilance.
At the beginning of your turn, draw 1 card.
When a creature your opponent controls is Destroyed from the battlefield, summon 1 2/2 Zombie.
Activate 3: The first Zombie you control gains -2/-2 and this creature gains +2/+2.
When this creature enters the battlefield, you draw 6 cards.
Activate 5: Each card you control in hand gains 1 mana.
Trap 5: Drain 5 mana from your opponent.
Deal 2 damage to each creature your opponent controls.
When an Eldrazi creature you control enters the battlefield, Return this spell to your hand.
When this creature enters the battlefield, you gain 10 life and if your opponent controls 3 creatures, summon 2 4/4 Angel tokens with Flying.
Regenerate 4.
Each creature you control gains +1/0, Berserker and Prevent Damage until the end of your turn.
When this creature is Destroyed, Fetch the next card in your Library. It gains 3 mana.
At the beginning of your turn, convert 1 gem to Green and 1 gem to Red.
Activate 2: Your other creatures gain Berserker and Trample until the end of your turn.
Activate 1: Discard the last card your opponent controls in hand.
When a creature you control enters the battlefield, Reinforce it then Destroy this support.
When you cast a spell you control, the first spell in your hand becomes free then Destroy this support.
Activate 2: Each creature you control gains +1/+1.
When this support enters the battlefield, deal 5 damage to target opponent or creature.
When a non-token creature or support you control enters the battlefield, deal 2 damage to your opponent.
When this support enters the battlefield, summon 4 1/1 Kor Ally tokens.
Landfall white: Summon 4 1/1 Kor Ally tokens.
When this support enters the battlefield, draw 2 cards,
When you cast a spell or support, drain 1 mana from your opponent.
When this support enters the battlefield, Fetch one of the next 4 cards in your library. It gains 6 mana.
When you match 3 or more Green gems, you gain 2 mana.
When you cast a Spell, deal 1 damage to your opponent.
When your opponent casts a spell on this creature, your opponent discards 1 card,
At the beginning of your turn, if you control less than 2 colorless creatures, you take 2 damage.
When you cast a Spell, Support or Creature, this spell costs 1 less until the end of your turn.
When this creature enters the battlefield, each creature you control gains Haste and +1/0 until the end of your turn.
When this creature enters the battlefield, if your opponent has less than 6 cards in hand, Return target creature to your opponent’s hand. It costs 300 more mana until the beginning of your next turn.
Activate 2: This creature gains +1/+1, Trample and Berserker until the end of your turn.
If your opponent has at least 1 creature on the battlefield, target creature your opponent controls is Destroyed. Otherwise, deal 10 damage to your opponent.
If your opponent has at least 2 cards in hand, Discard the last 2 cards your opponent controls. Otherwise, deal 10 damage to your opponent.
When this creature is Destroyed from the battlefield, summon 1 3/3 Green Elemental tokens.
Give +3/-3 to target creature until the end of your turn.
While this creature is on the battlefield, each of your creatures on the battlefield gain Hexproof.
While this creature is on the battlefield, give +2/+2 and Berserker to each of your creatures.
When a creature you control is Destroyed from the battlefield, draw 1 card.
When you cast a Spell, this creature gains +1/+1 until the end of your turn.
While this Support is in play, the first creature you control gains +1/+1 and Haste.
If there are 8 or more Green gems on the board, this creature gains +6/+6.
When you cast a Spell, Support or Creature, this creature costs 1 less until the end of your turn.
When this creature enters the battlefield, deal 6 damage to your opponent and to each creature your opponent controls.
Give ‘When this creature deals damage, you take damage equal to how much damage this creature dealt’ and Unblockable to target creature.
When this creature enters the battlefield, if you control 3 or more Supports, this creature gains +3/+3.
When this creature enters the battlefield, Destroy 1 Support gem your opponent controls and a 5×5 block around it.
When you match 5 or more Gems, if this creature was Destroyed from the battlefield, it is Returned to your hand.
When you match 3 or more Gems, you gain 2 mana.
When a creature you control enters the battlefield, you draw 1 card.