Admiral’s Order

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Spell
Rarity: Rare

The first spell in your opponent’s hand is drained of all its mana. If you Raided gain 9 mana.

Arch of Orazca

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Support
Rarity: Rare

At the beginning of your turn convert 2 gems to Loyalty gems. Activate 2: If you have the City’s Blessing draw a card it gains 2 mana.


Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Rare
Rarity: RIX

At the beginning of your turn convert 3 gems to black or green. Activate 2: Move the first creature from your graveyard to the battlefield under your control.

Awakened Amalgam

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Uncommon

When this creature enters the battlefield it gets +X/+X where X is the sum of the shield count of all Land supports.


Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Mythic
Rarity: RIX

When this creature enters the battlefield your opponent can’t cast spells until the beginning of your next turn. Whenever this creature attacks if there are 6 or more White gems on the board gain 8 life and if there are 6 or more Blue gems on the board draw 4 cards.

Azor’s Gateway

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Support
Rarity: Mythic

Activate 2: Draw a card and convert 2 gems to Loyalty gems. At the end of your turn if there are 8 or more Loyalty gems on board gain 10 life and transform this support.

Baffling End

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Support
Rarity: Common

When this support enters the board exile target opponent’s creature that costs 9 or less. When this support is destroyed create a 3/3 green Dinosaur token with Trample under your opponent’s control.

Blood Sun

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Support
Rarity: Rare

When this support loses 1 shield draw a card. At the beginning of your turn convert 2 gems to Loyalty gems and all Land supports lose 1 shield.

Brass’s Bounty

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Spell
Rarity: Uncommon

Find a Treasure for every 3 Red gems up to 4 Treasures.

Buccaneer’s Bravado

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Spell
Rarity: Common

The first creature you control gets +1/+1 and gains First Strike until end of turn. If it’s a Pirate it gains Double Strike instead.

Canal Monitor

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Common

Champion of Dusk

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Rare

When this creature enters the battlefield you draw X cards and lose X life where X is the number of Vampires you control.

Crested Herdcaller

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Uncommon

When this creature enters the battlefield create a 3/3 green Dinosaur token with Trample.

Daring Buccaneer

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Common

While this creature and another Pirate are in your hand this creature’s cost is reduced by 2.

Dead Man’s Chest

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Support
Rarity: Common

Whenever a creature your opponent controls is destroyed find a Treasure.

Deadeye Rig-Hauler

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Common

When this creature enters the battlefield if you Raided return target creature to its owner’s hand.

Deeproot Elite

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Rare

Whenever another Merfolk enters the battlefield under your control a random Merfolk you control gets +1/+1.

Dinosaur Hunter

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Common

Whenever this creature deals damage to a Dinosaur destroy that creature.

Dire Fleet Daredevil

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Rare

When this creature enters the battlefield discard a card and move the first spell from your opponent’s graveyard to your hand; it gains 6 mana.

Dire Fleet Neckbreaker

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Uncommon

Whenever a Pirate you control attacks it gets +2/0 until end of turn.

Dire Fleet Poisoner

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Rare

When this creature enters the battlefield target Pirate you control gets +1/+1 Deathtouch and Berserker.

Dusk Charger

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Common

This creature gets +3/+3 while you have the City’s Blessing.


Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Mythic
Rarity: RIX

Whenever a creature dies reinforce this creature. When this creature dies create X 1/1 white Vampire tokens with Lifelink where X is the amount of times this creature was reinforced plus 1.

Enter the Unknown

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Spell
Rarity: Common

Target creature you control Explores 2.


Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Mythic
Rarity: RIX

Whenever this creature attacks move the top card of your opponent’s library to your hand and give it full mana.

Expel from Orazca

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Spell
Rarity: Uncommon

Return target creature to its owner’s hand. If you have the City’s Blessing that card is moved to the top of its owner’s library instead.

Exultant Skymarcher

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Common

Fanatical Firebrand

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Common

When this creature dies deal 1 damage to your opponent’s first creature.

Flood of Recollection

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Spell
Rarity: Uncommon

Pick one of the first 2 spells from your graveyard. That card gains 2 mana.

Forerunner of the Coalition

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Uncommon

When this creature enters the battlefield pick one of the next 4 Pirates from your library and fetch that card. Whenever a Pirate enters the battlefield under your control your opponent loses 2 life.

Forerunner of the Empire

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Uncommon

When this creature enters the battlefield pick one of the next 4 Dinosaurs from your library and fetch that card. Whenever a Dinosaur enters the battlefield under your control deal 1 damage to each creature.

Forerunner of the Heralds

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Uncommon

When this creature enters the battlefield pick one of the next 4 Merfolk from your library and fetch that card. Whenever another Merfolk enters the battlefield under your control this creature gets +1/+1.

Forerunner of the Legion

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Uncommon

When this creature enters the battlefield pick one of the next 4 Vampires from your library and fetch that card. Whenever a nontoken Vampire enters the battlefield under your control create a 1/1 white Vampire token with Lifelink.


Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Mythic
Rarity: RIX

While this creature is in your hand it costs X less where X is the sum of power of your creatures.

Goblin Trailblazer

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Common

Gold-Forge Garrison

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Support
Rarity: Rare

At the beginning of your turn convert 3 gems to your Planeswalker colors. Activate 2: Create a 7/7 colorless Golem token.

Golden Demise

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Spell
Rarity: Uncommon

All creatures get -3/-3 until end of turn. If you have the City’s Blessing instead only creatures your opponent controls get -4/-4 until end of turn.

Golden Guardian

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Support
Rarity: Rare

When this support enters the battlefield create a 6/6 colorless Golden Guardian token with Defender and Activate 2: Destroy this and the first other creature you control. Transform Golden Guardian.

Hadana’s Climb

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Support
Rarity: Rare

At the end of your turn your first unbuffed creature gets +2/+2. At the end of your turn if you control 3 or more buffed creatures transform this support.

Hardy Veteran

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Common

Induced Amnesia

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Support
Rarity: Uncommon

When this support enters the board target Planeswalker discards 3 cards then draws 3 cards. While this support is on the board whenever your opponent draws a card that card’s cost is increased by 1.

Jadelight Ranger

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Uncommon

When this creature enters the battlefield it Explores 1. Then it Explores 2.

Journey to Eternity

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Support
Rarity: Rare

Whenever a creature you control dies return that creature to the battlefield and transform this support.

Jungleborn Pioneer

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Common

When this creature enters the battlefield create a 1/1 blue Merfolk token with Hexproof.


Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Mythic
Rarity: RIX

Activate 2 Blue: If you control 2 Merfolk or more draw a card and this creature gains Unblockable until end of turn. Activate 2 Green: If you control 2 Merfolk or more draw a card and all your Merfolk get +1/+1.

Kumena’s Awakening

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Support
Rarity: Rare

While this support is on the board at the beginning of your turn each player draws a card. If you have the City’s Blessing instead only you draw a card and that card gains 2 mana.

Legion Lieutenant

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Uncommon

While this creature is on the battlefield other Vampires you control get +1/+1.

Martyr of Dusk

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Common

When this creature is destroyed create 1 1/1 white Vampire token with Lifelink.

Mastermind’s Acquisition

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Spell
Rarity: Uncommon

Pick one of the first 3 cards of your opponent’s library. Fetch that card. If there are 6 or more Black gems on the board it gains 10 mana.

Merfolk Mistbinder

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Uncommon

While this creature is on the battlefield other Merfolk you control get +1/+1.


Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Rare
Rarity: RIX

At the beginning of your turn convert 3 gems to white or red. Activate 2 Red: Deal 4 damage to your opponent’s Planeswalker. Activate 2 White: Destroy a random creature your opponent controls.

Mist-Cloaked Herald

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Common


Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Mythic
Rarity: RIX

Can’t have its mana drained or raised. Whenever your opponent casts a spell or a support draw a card. Activate 2: Discard a card Nezahal Primal Tide gains Hexproof until the beginning of your next turn.

Oathsworn Vampire

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Common

Whenever you gain 4 or more life if this creature is in your graveyard return it to the battlefield.

Orazca Frillback

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Common

Orazca Raptor

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Common

Overgrown Armasaur

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Common

Enrage: Create 2 1/1 green Saproling creature token.

Paladin of Atonement

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Rare

Whenever you lose life if there are 8 or more black or white gems on the board this creature gets +1/+1. When this creature is destroyed gain life equal to its maximum toughness minus 1.

Path of Discovery

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Support
Rarity: Uncommon

Whenever a creature enters the battlefield under your control it Explores 1.

Path of Mettle

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Support
Rarity: Rare

When this support enters the board it deals 3 damage to each non-Human and non-Dinosaur creature and gives First Strike to all other creatures. At the end of your turn if you control 3 or more creatures with First Strike transform this support.


Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Mythic

Enrage: This creature gains At the end of this turn reinforce this creature. until end of turn.

Pride of Conquerors

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Spell
Rarity: Common

Creatures you control get +1/+1 until end of turn. If you have the City’s Blessing those creatures get +3/+3 until end of turn instead.

Profane Procession

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Support
Rarity: Rare

Activate 1: Exile the last creature your opponent controls and this support gains 1 shield. At the end of your turn if this support has 5 or more shields transform this support.

Radiant Destiny

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Support
Rarity: Rare

While this support is on the board if you have at least 3 creatures that share a type in your deck your creatures get +2/+2 and if you have the City’s Blessing your creatures gain First Strike.

Raptor Companion

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Common

Ravenous Chupacabra

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Uncommon

When this creature enters the battlefield destroy target creature your opponent controls.

Reckless Rage

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Spell
Rarity: Uncommon

Deal 4 damage to target creature your opponent controls and 2 to your first creature.

Rekindling Phoenix

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Mythic

When this creature dies create a 0/1 red Elemental token with At the beginning of your turn destroy this creature and return Rekindling Phoenix from your graveyard to the battlefield with Haste.

Relentless Raptor

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Uncommon

Sadistic Skymarcher

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Common

While this creature and another Vampire are in your hand this creature’s cost is reduced by 3.

Sanctum of the Sun

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Support
Rarity: Mythic

Whenever you would gain life gain half that life rounded up instead. Whenever you gain life gain X mana where X is the life you gained.

Secrets of the Golden City

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Spell
Rarity: Common

Draw 2 cards. If you have the City’s Blessing draw 3 cards instead.

Siegehorn Ceratops

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Uncommon

Enrage: This creature gets +2/+2.

Silverclad Ferocidons

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Uncommon

Enrage: Destroy a support your opponent controls. If your opponent doesn’t control supports destroy your opponent’s last creature.

Silvergill Adept

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Common

While this creature and another Merfolk are in your hand this creature’s cost is reduced by 4. When this creature enters the battlefield draw 2 cards.

Skymarcher Aspirant

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Uncommon

While you have the City’s Blessing this creature gets +1/+1 and gains Flying.

Slaughter the Strong

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Spell
Rarity: Rare

Destroy all creatures with power 6 or more.

Snubhorn Sentry

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Common

While you have the City’s Blessing this creature gets +3/+0.

Soul of the Rapids

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Common

Sphinx’s Decree

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Support
Rarity: Uncommon

While this support is on the board your opponent can’t cast spells.

Spire Winder

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Common

This creature gets +2/+2 while you have the City’s Blessing.

Squire’s Devotion

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Support
Rarity: Common

When this support enters the board create a 1/1 white Vampire token with Lifelink. While this support is on the board your first creature gets +1/+1 and gains Lifelink.

Storm Fleet Sprinter

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Uncommon

Storm Fleet Swashbuckler

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Common

This creature gets +1/+1 and Double Strike while you have the City’s Blessing.

Storm the Vault

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Support
Rarity: Rare

At the end of your turn if you Raided find 2 Treasures. Then if you control 5 or more non-land supports transform this support.

Sworn Guardian

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Common

Temple Altisaur

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Uncommon

Activate 2 White: Your Dinosaurs Regenerate 2.

Tendershoot Dryad

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Mythic

While this creature is on the battlefield create a 1/1 green Saproling token at the beginning of each player’s turn. If you have the City’s Blessing create 2 Saproling tokens instead.


Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Mythic
Rarity: RIX

While this card is in your hand at the end of your turn drain 2 mana from this card and your opponent’s first creature gets -1/-1. When this creature enters the battlefield your opponent’s creatures get -6/-6.

The Immortal Sun

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Support
Rarity: Mythic

While this support is on the board Planeswalkers can’t activate Loyalty abilities your spells cost 2 less to cast and your creatures get +1/+1. At the beginning of your turn draw a card.

Thrashing Brontodon

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Common

When this creature is destroyed destroy an opponent’s non-land support.

Thunderherd Migration

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Spell
Rarity: Common

While this spell and a Dinosaur are in your hand this spell’s cost is reduced by 2. Convert 10 gems to Green.

Tilonalli’s Crown

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Spell
Rarity: Common

Deal 1 damage to target creature. It gets +3/+0 and gains Trample and Berserker.

Tilonalli’s Summoner

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Rare

Whenever this creature attacks if there are 8 or more red gems create 4 1/1 red Elemental tokens with Haste and At the end of your turn exile this creature if you don’t have the City’s Blessing.

Timestream Navigator

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Mythic

Activate 2: If you have the City’s Blessing gain 1 extra swap.

Tomb of the Dusk Rose

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Support
Rarity: Rare

At the beginning of your turn convert 3 gems to black or white. Activate 2: Move your opponent’s last exiled creature to the battlefield under your control.

Trapjaw Tyrant

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Mythic

Enrage: Exile the last creature your opponent controls. When this creature is destroyed your opponent fetches the next creature card from their library. It gains full mana.

Twilight Prophet

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Mythic

At the beginning of your turn if you have the City’s Blessing draw a card. Your opponent loses X life and you gain X life where X is half that card’s mana cost rounded down.

Vampire Revenant

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Common

Vault of Catlacan

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Support
Rarity: Rare

At the beginning of your turn convert X gems to blue where X is the number of supports you control times 2.

Vona’s Hunger

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Spell
Rarity: Rare

Your opponent’s first creature is destroyed. If you have the City’s Blessing your opponent’s 2 last creatures are destroyed instead.

Warkite Marauder

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Rare

Whenever this creature attacks your opponent’s first creature gets -10/-0 and loses all of its Evergreen abilities until end of turn.

Wayward Swordtooth

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Creature
Rarity: Rare

At the beginning of your turn all Land support cards in your hand gain 3 mana. This creature can’t attack or block unless you have the City’s Blessing.

Winged Temple of Orazca

Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Support
Rarity: Rare

At the beginning of your turn convert 3 gems to green or blue. Activate 2: The first creature you control gains Flying and gets +X/+X until end of turn where X is its power.


Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Mythic
Rarity: RIX

When Zacama enters the battlefield convert 9 gems to one of your Planeswalker colors. Activate Green 1: Destroy a non-land support your opponent controls. Activate Red 1: Deals 3 damage to your opponent’s first creature. Activate White 1: Gain 3 life.


Deck: Rivals of Ixalan
Type: Mythic
Rarity: RIX

Activate 3: Gains Prevent Damage until the beginning of your next turn.

* Please note: information here may change at anytime.